Tom Hill
self-admitted wine geek, Tom lives in Northern New Mexico
and works as a computational physicist at Los Alamos National
Laboratory doing numerical neutron transport & large scale
code development. He has been tasting wines since 1971, participates
locally with a couple of large tasting groups in his area,
and is practically a fixture at most California wine festivals,
such as the Hospice du Rhône, Rhône Rangers, and
ZAP. Other interests: Tom is heavily into competitive sport
fencing (foil & epee), biking, cooking, basketball, skiing,
backpacking, mountain climbing.
Older Cabernets from Mt. Veeder and Milano - May 3, 2000
- Mt.
Veeder Winery Mt.Veeder/Napa County Cabernet Sauvignon '74:
Med.color slight bricking; attractive/complex rather cedary/pencilly
slight minty/blaclcurranty nose; soft very smooth/round
some cedary/pencilly/tobaccoy slight metallic some minty
light blackcurranty complex very elegant flavor; very long
smooth/elegant some cedary/pencilly slight blackcurranty
finish w/ light tannins; a very elegant/graceful old lady
that still has plenty of zip in her.
- Mt.
Veeder Winery Mt. Veeder/Napa County Bernstein Vineyard
Cabernet Sauvignon '75: Dark color w/ little bricking; bit
earthy/tobaccoy slight bretty rather pungent/licorice/peppery
some blackcurranty/ Cab complex nose; soft/smooth/round
elegant bit pungent/cedary/tobaccoy light licorice/ pungent
slight bretty complex flavor; long soft/smooth light pungent/licorice
slight tobaccoy/cedary finish w/ little tannins; a bit more
intensity & pungent than the '74 w/ a slight hint of
brett; lovely old/elegant lady.
- Mt.
Veeder Winery Mt. Veeder/Napa County Bernstein Vineyard
Cabernet Sauvignon '76: Dark color; complex cedary/pencilly
bit smokey/pungent/toasty light blackcurranty/dusty complex
nose; some lush smooth licorice/ pungent/smokey rather cedary/pencilly/Fr.oak
elegant/complex flavor; soft/round very smooth some lush
licorice/pungent light blackcurranty/Cab finish w/ light
tannins; a lovely/elegant/ smooth/mature Calif Cab; still
has life & fruit,
- Mt.
Veeder Winery Mt. Veeder/Napa County Bernstein Vineyard
Cabernet Sauvignon '77: Very dark color; intense minty/menthol/
eucalyptus pungent/smokey/bit tarry complex slight blackcurranty
nose; rich/pungent some minty/ menthol/toasty some bretty/horsecollar
very smooth/round flavor; very long/lingering intense minty/menthol/tarry/pungent/toasty/eucalyptus
slight blackcurranty/Cab finish w/ light tannins yet; a
terrific/mature pungent Calif Cab.
- Mt.
Veeder Winery Mt. Veeder/Napa County Bernstein Vineyard
Cabernet Sauvignon '78: Med.dark color; some toasty/tobaccoy/pungent
some complex smokey buttery/oaked very slight blackcurranty/Cab
nose; soft bit dried out cedary/ tobaccoy/pungent very slight
bretty/horsecollar slight minty/menthol bit thin flavor;
med.short light cedary/tobaccoy bit menthol finish w/ little
tannins; interesting/mature Cab but a bit on the thin/hollow/dried-out
side; going downhill.
- Mt.
Veeder Winery Mt. Veeder/Napa County Bernstein Vineyard
Cabernet Sauvignon '79: Very dark color; fairly intense
some earthy/ herbal tobaccoy/dusty some pungent/smokey little
fruit nose; rather hard/tannic rather herbal/Cab bit tobaccoy/menthol
flavor; long rather tannic/hard somewhat herbal/Cab/weedy
light toasty/oak finish w/ some tannins; a different beast
from the others; much more herbal/Cab (CabFranc/PetitVerdot?)
and rather younger in character; needs a few yrs yet but
will not be up to the others.
- Mt.Veeder
Meritage Napa Valley RTW '89: Dark color; rather fragrant/tobaccoy/toasty/Fr.oaked
some blackcurranty/Cab; soft rather charred/Fr.oaked/toasty
bit blackcurranty/Cab bit tannic rather mainstream/simple
Cab flavor; med.long light toasty/charred/Fr.oak light blackcurranty/Cab/herbal
finish w/ some tannins; still can use a few yrs; a rather
boring/mainstream Calif Cab.
- Mt.Veeder
Napa County Mt.Veeder Vnyds Zin (14.6%) '82 : Med.color;
rather earthy/dusty/pencilly bit pungent/charred slight
burnt rubber nose; tart/smooth/spicy toasty/pungent/charred
slight raspberry fruit flavor; long some toasty/pungent/charred
menthol/complex light raspberry finish w/ light tannins;
a lovely mature Zin w/ some fruit left; smooth & great
- Milano
Hopland Mendocino Sanel Valley Vnyds (13%) Cabernet Sauvignon
'77: Black color; intense earthy/dusty/Am.oaked/ peppery/pungent/charred
low fruit nose; slight bretty/horsecollar big earthy/dusty/Am.oaked
pungent/peppery earthy/Cab atypical flavor; long soft bit
fat/underacid pungent/charred/Am.oak rather tough/rustic
finisg w/ ample tannins; still a young Cab; big & extracted
earthy/Mendocino Cab that needs more age.
- Milano
Sanel Valley Mendocino County Sanel Valley Vnyd (14.7%)
Cabernet Sauvignon '78: very crumbly cork; Very black color;
very burnt/charred bit pungent/stinky slight volatile rather
licorice/peppery bit alcoholic very pungent some complex
nose; soft bit underacid very licorice/pungent/sewer gas
bit Port-like hard/tannic flavor; long hard/tannic pungent/smokey/dusty/earthy
very licorice finish; lots of extract; lots of huge tannins;
may never come into drinkability; a big huge wine almost
like some of the dry Portos from the Duoro.
- Milano
Sanel Valley Mendocino County Sanel Valley Vnyd (15.0%)
Cabernet Sauvignon '79: Black color; intense earthy/dusty
very pungent/charred/smokey very ripe some complex nose;
soft lush pungent/charred/oaked dusty/earthy very ripe some
blackcurranty/Cab flavor; very ripe soft/lush pungent/charred/
licorice/oaked dusty/earthy some complex some blackcurranty/ripe/Cab
finish w/ some tannins; a very interesting Cab that's still
doing well.
- Milano
Mendocino County Sanel Valley Vnyd (14.5%) Cabernet Sauvignon
'80: Black color; beautiful/complex smokey/ toasty/oaked
bit volatile/aromatic loads of blackcurranty/blackberry
essence-like nose; soft very intense/licorice/blackcurranty/overripe/licorice
bit hot/volatile some toasty/oaked complex flavor; very
long very ripe/overripe licorice/pungent/blackcurranty somy
toasty/charred complex finish w/ light tannins; a bit of
an over-the-top Cab but very interesting and aging very
well; almost an essence-like Cab; easily my favorites of
the Milanos.
- Milano
Mendocino County Sanel Valley Vnyd (13.8%) Cabernet Sauvignon
'81: Very dark color; very ripe dusty/earthy blackberry/boysenberry/almost
Zin-like slight leafy/herbal/Cab nose; rather tart lean/earthy
light blackberry/cranberry some toasty/pungent/oaked flavor;
fairly long lean/hard light blackberry/boysenberry light
toasty/pungent finish; more restrained & less overripe
Cab; holding well but not going to get much better.
- Milano
Calif Cabernet Sauvignon Calif Reserve '82: Cellared&bttld
by; Med.light bit browning color; rather funky/wet dog fur/Lodi-like
earthy very tomatoey nose; soft flat hot-climate Lodi-like
rather washed-out/LouisMartini-like little fruit some wet
dog fur/funky flavor; short tired/washed-out funky finish
w/ no tannins; clearly not a wine like the above ones &
no Mendocino character; tired & dead.
- Milano
Mendocino County Petite Sirah (15.0%) PaciniVnyd '80(?):
Black color; strong earthy/peppery/ licorice/PS dusty complex
bit reduced/sewer gas nose; intense peppery/earthy soft
huge/mouth- filling bit alcoholic some pungent/oaked very
spicy/complex flavor; very long bit skunky/sewer gas/pungent/reduced
very peppery/spicy/PS some pungent/oaked complex finish
w/ some tannins; one of the best old PSs I've had &
still going strong.
of stuff here for the bloody pulpit:
The Mt.Veeders (the original ones) were always impressive
wines in their youth. I happened to be in Calif when their
first two wines were released ('73 Cab & '73 LongVnyd
Chardonnay), tried them, and was blown away by them &
made an immediate appointment to visit Mike & Arlene
Bernstein the next week up in TheValley. I followed their
wines into the '80's when they seemed to lose the intensity
& interest that they had early on. Once Mike&Arlene
sold the property to Franciscan, I didn't find much of interest
in the Cabs. Some of the Zins that Peter Franus made up
there, afore he left to do his own label, were pretty good,
though. All of these Cabs had matured, mostly, into lovely/mature/elegant
old ladies. Alas, this tasting pretty much wiped out my
I had had a couple of the early Milano Zins and were quite
impressed with them (this was back when there were some
terrific Zins coming from Mendocino from Fetzer/Edmeades/Milano)
so made it a point to stop at Milano on my only visit to
Mendocino in the late '70's or early '80's. It was a cold/rainy
miserable/gloomy November day & I remember running across
a slate/cinder parking into this funky tasting room. Jim
Milone happened to be pouring & we had a very nice visit.
I was still mightly impressed w/ his wines. In their youth,
these were huge/extracted/black/massive Cabs; ones that
I were sure would live forever. The wines seem to be doing
very very well, though I don't think I'd want to hold onto
them much longer. The SanelVllyVnyd was planted in the mid-'60's,
entirely Cabernet, all on their own roots. The vnyd has
since been replanted by Jim due to phylloxera, with other
Bordeaux varieties now included. The founding partners of
Milano were Greg Graziano (who left in '79) and Jim Milone,
hence the combined name of Milano. The name has now been
changed to Milone Family Wnry, but I must admit I've not
had any of Jim's recent wines (so much wine/so little time!).
Mendocino Cab is a tough one for me. It doesn't seem to
have the lush/ripe fruit that is found in areas to the south...
more like SantaCruzMtn Cabs than anything. They seem to
have a restrained fruit component to them and an earthy/dusty
character that gives them a sort of rusticity; not too unlike
Languedoc Cab. But I've had some killer ones. When the Pacini
PS was released, it was one of the biggest/hugest PSs I
could recall; of the likes of the FreemarkAbbey & Ridge
York Creek PSs from the early '70's. This wine, unlike many
of them, has gone on to develop into one of the best old
PSs I've had; terrific stuff. One more btl left.
Mendocino County: This is one area that I feel doesn't get
the respect it deserves; other than whites & Pinots
from the AndersonVlly. I've had some Cabernets and Zins
from Mendocino in the mid/late-'70's that were absolutely
stunning (some of which still are); every bit as good as
anything from further south. Yet I've also felt that Mendocino
has been sort of an under- achiever in the wines they've
been producing over these later yrs. The quality of the
fruit is there, I feel, it's just that I don't see that
many great Mendocino red wines (again, not talking the AndersonVlly)
coming from there. Don't think the JedSteele/K-J run as
done a whole lot for Mendocino. It's an area I need to pay
more attention to and go back for a revisit.
© 1996 - 2006, Tom Hill - All rights reserved
No original material may be reproduced without written consent
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- Grape-Nutz