Tom Hill
self-admitted wine geek, Tom lives in Northern New Mexico
and works as a computational physicist at Los Alamos National
Laboratory doing numerical neutron transport & large scale
code development. He has been tasting wines since 1971, participates
locally with a couple of large tasting groups in his area,
and is practically a fixture at most California wine festivals,
such as the Hospice du Rhône, Rhône Rangers, and
ZAP. Other interests: Tom is heavily into competitive sport
fencing (foil & epee), biking, cooking, basketball, skiing,
backpacking, mountain climbing.
Clos Pepe Vineyards - May 28, 2002
the way up to Hospice du Rhone 2002 this year, I stopped to
visit Wes Hagen at Clos Pepe. I had met Wes in CyberSpace
several yrs earlier on WCWN, where he often has a lot to add
to many of our discussions there. He also runs an excellent
WebSite (www.clospepe.com) that contain a lot of information
on Clos Pepe. I've followed it from the very start and have
learned a lot from it. So I was really looking forward to
meeting Wes, see what he's doing, and try his wines for the
first time. I had his Chard grapes from AdamTolmach/Ojai and
was pretty impressed with it.
Pepe is located waaaay out on the furtherest western edge
of the SantaYnez Valley, in the newly declared SantaRitaHills
appellation. Santa Rita Winery in Chile is fussing
at them about corrupting their good (?) name by their usage
of it, so this new appellation's name might not hold up
and have to be changed. Also joining me for this tour was
Larry Archibald, Mike Mooney, and Eric Anderson. As is typical
on many winery tours, the first thing you get to do is meet
the winery dogs.. the four legged kind. There was a bunch
of them, all very friendly, covering the range of the canine
varietal spectrum (all available for viewing on the WebSite).
I usually have the forsight to take some doggie treats w/
me when visiting wineries, but, alas, I forgot to stock
up ahead of time this trip. Also there was Wes' wife, Chanda,
tending the garden in front. And later, Brian Loring (Loring
Wine Co) showed up as well to join us.
always find it quite valuable to get a better feel for a
wine by walking the vnyd from which the grapes originate.
So Wes took us out into the vnyd to give us a bit of the
lay of the land. He described a bit the SantaRitaHills appelation
for which Wes was to prime mover&shaker in getting approved.
The SantaRita wnry in Chile as agreed for them to use the
abbreviation Sta.RitaHills, but with such persnickety limitations
that the SantaRitaHills name may be abandoned. Part of the
appellation is the Purisma Hills, and Steve Beckmen (owner
of Purisma Mtn Vineyard near LosOlivos) has agreed
to their usage; so that may become the name. Probably the
right move, because this is going to be an area famous for
their Pinot and Syrah in the near future and no use having
the SantaRita Winery in Chile besmirching their name!!!
described a bit the difficult growing conditions they have
out this far West, the afternoon winds that come whipping
thru the area. He talked about some of his trellising, his
vnyd practices, and the various clones he has planted. All
quite informative.
makes a bit of ho-made wine there on the property for himself,
so he samples us first on that:
- Clos
Pepe Ho-made Chard 2001: Three samples from barrel,
30% ML, 50% ML, and 75% ML; all very similar in the nose,
the 30% being very tart & lean, and the 75% much richer
& fuller; very low key oak in the nose, lots of very
bright/spicy/Chard/ bit melong fruit on the nose; crisp/
clean very spicy/minerally melony bit tropical fruit flavor;
I really liked the tart/crisp/ lean character and was
quite struck by the minerally/Chablis-like character of
the wine.
- Clos
Pepe Ho-made Pinot Noir 2001: Made w/ natural yeasts;
Med.dark color; big full-bore bright cherry/black cherry/cola
little oak very perfumed nose; tart very spicy bright
cherry/black cherry loads of fruit flavor; a big/rich/full
no-holds-barred Pinot. and from bottle:
- Clos
Pepe Pinot Noir 2000: Med.dark color; lovely very
fragrant/perfumed strawberry/cherry light pencilly/Fr.oak
nose; tart/crisp bright/zippy strawberry/cherry quite
spicy slight earthy flavor; lots of Pinot fragrance and
a purity of fruit uncluttered w/ strong oak; lovely bright
then we all got into a cars and headed back towards Buelton
to taste at the new location Wes is now making his wines.
It is a modestly-sized facility that is owned by Kahn
Winery for making their wines. Brian Loring plans
to also move his winemaking into the facility as well. So
next we try:
- Clos
Pepe Chard 2001: From the Wente clone; two samples,
one totally in stainless and one that was barrel fermented;
the stainless was much tarter/cleaner crisper, the barrel-fermented
more soft and round on the palate; Med.light gold color;
very perfumed/fragrant/spicy light tropical fruit/pineapply
light earthy nose; tart/crisp very perfumed/spicy tropical
fruit/Chard flavor; very attractive Chard w/ that same
minerality shining thru.
- Clos
Pepe Pinot Noir 2001: from three different barrels,
slightly different oak on all three; Med.color; very bright
strawberry/cherry pure Pinot some floral/violets almost
Nebbiolo-like perfumed nose; tart very bright/zippy strawberry/cherry
fragrant/floral very spicy flavor; very long/tart finish
w/ some tannins; beautiful bright Pinot.
was a very informative visit and helps me greatly to understand
the wines Wes is making. The Chard really impressed me with
its lean/crisp style; one of the more Chablis-like Chards
I've had from Calif. But I was most taken by the Pinots.
They show a purity of Pinot fruit not often seen, and not
cluttered up w/ a lot of oak, a light hand on the oak. They
reminded me a lot of the Brewer-Clifton Pinots w/o all the
oak those sometimes show. They also reminded me quite a
bit of some Oregon Pinots in a great year w/ their very
perfumed/fragrant character and crisp/clean character on
the palate. This is a winery I'm looking forward to following
closely in the future; both w/ Wes' own wines and what other
winemakers do with those grapes. I fully expect Clos Pepe
Vineyard to be attracting the kind of attention in a few
yrs we now see with the Pisoni and Garys' Vineyard up in
the SantaLucia Highlands. Wes's efforts to make sure his
grapes are going to some extremely talented winemakers will
reap great benefits down the road. It's pretty clear that
Wes is very passionate about growing the grapes; that counts
for quite a lot.
the visit was over, I rode back to the vnyd w/ Wes &
Chanda to retrieve my car. This gave me the opportunity
to quiz Wes on some of the other vnyds out his way. From
his comments, and those w/ Diana Lee and others; the Carrgassachi
(sp?) is a vnyd to keep your eyes on. Not a lot of vnyd
expertise yet (Diana described how Peter Cargassachi washed
off the Syrah grapes afore he picked them!!) but a grower
w/ a passion and a very special location that promises to
deliver great Pinot and Syrah fruit down the road.
© 1996 - 2006, Tom Hill - All rights reserved
No original material may be reproduced without written consent
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- Grape-Nutz