Tom Hill
self-admitted wine geek, Tom lives in Northern New Mexico
and works as a computational physicist at Los Alamos National
Laboratory doing numerical neutron transport & large scale
code development. He has been tasting wines since 1971, participates
locally with a couple of large tasting groups in his area,
and is practically a fixture at most California wine festivals,
such as the Hospice du Rhône, Rhône Rangers, and
ZAP. Other interests: Tom is heavily into competitive sport
fencing (foil & epee), biking, cooking, basketball, skiing,
backpacking, mountain climbing.
New Rhones - December 10, 2003
- The
Ojai Vynd Vin du Soleil Blanc (60% Stolpman Roussanne; 40%
Bien Nacido Viognier; 14%) 2002:
Light gold color; fragrant waxy bit honeyed/butterscotchy/hazelnutty
some perfumed talc very slight corked nose; tart/rich bit
stoney/earthy some perfumed/hazelnut/honeyed rather fragrant/waxy
flavor; long/tart/rich lush/ripe hazelnutty/honeyed finish;
a very attractive Rhone blend; quite perfumed/fragrant but
structured; lovely wine. $24.50
- Edmunds
St. John Los Robles Viejos Rozet Vineyard Paso Robles WTW
(13.7%; Roussanne/Viognier/ Marsanne) 2001: Light gold
color w/ some haziness; bit reduced/stinky/cabbagey some
pungent nose clears some to earthy/stoney light perfumed/pear
nose; tart/rich some stoney/earthy pungent/hazelnutty slight
cabaggey slight bitter flavor; long pungent/reduced/cabbagey
some stoney/earthy/hazelnutty finish; hard/tart/stoney but
lots of richness; needs age. $20.00
- Domaine
Rene Rostaing Les Lezardes (L 2001;12.5%) RareWineCompany
NV: Med.color; slight smokey/ roasted rather raspberry/strawberry/Syrah
bit herbal/dusty/earthy nose; very tart/lean/thin/ astringent
slight roasted some strawberry/raspberry/Syrah flavor; med.short
tart/lean slight buttery/diacetyl astringent/thin/hard finish
w/ little fruit; a thin/mean/eviscerated little Syrah; way
overpriced. $33.75
- Petite
Rousse Paso Robles Syrah (15.0%; www.ClosMimi.com; 300 cs)
ClosMimni/ SantaMaria 2002: Very dark color; bit hot/volatile/fumey
rather grapey/overripe earthy bit oaked nose; soft/fat grapey/overripe
some hot/fumey/burney rather earthy slight strawberry flavor;
med.long some hot/fumey grapey/lush/overripe finish w/ light
tannins; tastes very ripe/overripe and more of Petite Sirah
than Syrah. Bit too hot/overripe for my tastes. $16.00
- Margerum
M5 Santa Ynez Valley (#3206 of 3702; 24% Syrah/Vogelzang,
ColsonCnyn, GreatOaksRanch, PurismaMtn, Alondra de los Prados
vnyds; 20% TablasClone Mourvedre/ ZacaMeas Vineyard; 20%
Alban Clone Grenache/Purismamtn Vineyard; 20% Cinsault/Stolpman
Vineyard; 16% Counoise/Stolpman Vineyard; www.MargerumWineCompany.com)
2002: Dark color; strong Grenache/very boysenberry/blackberry
very grapey very spicy up-front nose; soft bit hot very
grapey/juicy/ blackberry/strawberry/boysenberry flavor;
bit hot juicy/Nehi strawberry soda pop/grapey/boysen- berry
finish w/ light tannins; bit on the overripe side; tons
of juicy Grenache fruit; bit on the soft/unstructured side
but I liked it brazen/ripe fruit; good value at $22.00
- The
Ojai Vineyard Calif TW Vin de Soleil (14.5%; 85% Grenache/Stolpman&Beckman
vnyds; 15% Syrah/RollRanch Vineyard) 2000: Very dark
color; light toasty/oak very spicy some blackberry/Syrah/
strawberry rather ripe/juicy nose; rich fairly lush quite
spicy/cinammon/blackberry/Syrah very balanced/drinkable
flavor; very long bit tannic lovely/spicy/cinammon light
toasty/oak juicy/ blackberry/Syrah finish w/ light tannins;
needs a yr or two; a lovely/balanced drinkable red; great
restaurant wine and well-priced at $24.50
- Carlisle
Russian River Vineyard Two cres RW (15.0%; Mourvedre/PS/Valdepenas/
AlicanteBouschet; 150 cs) 2000: Med.light color; beautiful
grapey/lush bit licorice slight menthol/floral some cedary
rather dusty/old vines rather RRV/peppery almost Zin-like
complex nose; soft/smooth lush dusty/old vines licorice/very
spicy slight menthol/cedary almost violets/ floral flavor;
long slight tannic smooth very RRV/spicy/peppery perfumed/sandlewood/cedary
finish; pretty drinkable & balanced; a very interesting/exotic
red. $30.00
- Carlisle
Russian River Valley Two Acres Red Wine (14.8%; 80% Mourvedre,
14% PS, 5% Valdepenas, 1% AlicanteBouchet; 200 cs) 2001:
Very dark color; deep blackberry/licorice almost Syrah-like
bit earthy/dusty very interesting/deep nose; rich/tart some
buttery/oaked very spicy/exotic some Zin-like bit astringent
exotic flavor; very long bit oaked quite licorice/ spicy/plummy
slight toasty/oak finish w/ some tannins; needs a yr or
two & will last; a very interesting/exotic complex red.
- The
Ojai Vineyard Calif Syrah Roll Ranch Vineyard (15.0%) 2001:
Very dark color; strong toasty/Fr.oak ripe very blackberry/jammy
very spicy/Syrah slight earthy nose; soft/rich/lush very
rich/ripe/ blackberry/boysenberry/jammy very spicy/licorice/plummy
light toasty/pungent/oak some tannic flavor; very long bit
tannic soft/ripe/lush strong/blackberry/jammy/boysenberry
light toasty/ smokey/Fr.oak finish w/ some tannins; needs
several yrs; a big/ripe/jammy tons of fruit Syrah. $38.50
- The
Ojai Vineyard Santa Barbara County Syrah Stolpman Vineyard
(14.5%) 2001: Near black color; beautiful very spicy/peppery
some roasted/Rhonish some toasty/smokey/Fr.oak strong blackberry/peppery/
Syrah nose; tart very rich blackberry/boysenberry/Syrah/peppery/licorice
some toasty/oak quite spicy rather tannic flavor; very long
somewhat tannic big/extracted peppery/blackberry/Syrah light
toasty/oak structured finish; needs some age; a big/extracted
intense/Syrah wine; probably the best Stolpman Vineyard
Syrah I've yet had. Very fairly priced at $32.50
- Edmunds
St. John Syrah Sonoma Coast Peay Vineyard (14.9%; first
harvest from Nick & Andy Peay's vnyd above Annopolis)
2001: Very dark color; intense blackberry/boysenberry/Syrah
classic EdStJ/peppery/licorice beautiful/complex slight
funky/pungent nose; rich bit soft very spicy/peppery/licorice
blackberry/Syrah/boysenberry ripe slight earthy flavor;
very ripe slight alcoholic very peppery/licorice strong
blackberry/Syrah finish w/ some tannins; loaded w/ classic
EdStJ peppery character; a very auspicious debut for this
vnyd; a bit on the ripe side but a killer Syrah; stunning
wine at a great price. $27.00
- Edmunds
St. John Syrah San Luis Obispo County Bassetti Vineyard
(13.7%) 2001: Near black color; very intense meaty/
gamey licorice/blackberry/boysenberry peppery/complex slight
reduced/pungent/herbal very interesting/exotic nose; tart
bit reduced/pungent very peppery/cracked black pepper slight
herbal very boysenberry/blackberry/Syrah some roasted/gamey
complex flavor; very long some roasted/toasty/pungent very
peppery/boysenberry/Syrah complex/licorice gamey/meaty finish
w/ ample tannins; one of the best Syrahs Steve has produced
yet; an incredible Syrah at a more than fair price; don't
miss this one. $42.00
- Carlisle
Dry Creek Valley Syrah (16.5%; RayTeldschi Vineyard + Unti
& DelCarlo Ranches/ Dry Creek Valley + PelkanRanch/KnightsVlly;
400 cs) 2001: Very dark color; intense perfumed/fragrant
slight menthol/eucalyptus some vanilla/toasty/oak intense
blackberry/boysenberry/Syrah/licorice/ Dr.Pepper/cola rather
Oz-like very aromatic nose; rich bit alcoholic very intense
boysenberry/ blackberry/Dr.Pepper/cola some eucalyptus jammy/ripe
some tannic flavor; very long/lingering ripe/jammy/boysenberry/Syrah/licorice/cola
some menthol/minty/eucalyptus bit toasty/vanilla/ oak finish
w/ some tannins; very Oz-like; loads of ripe boysenberry
fruit but great structure; carries the alcohol well and
not over-the-top; a killer Syrah at a fair price. $35.50
- The
Ojai Vineyard Santa Barbara County Syrah Special Bttlg Thompson
Vineyard (15%; 8 brls) 2000: Black color; very intense/extracted
boysenberry/blackberry/peppery huge/aromatic some dusty/old
vines some gamey/licorice some toasted/roasted/oak nose;
huge/intense/extracted essence of Syrah/blackberry/ black
cherry cola licorice/peppery some roasted/pungent flavor;
very long intense/extracted/ blackberry/Syrah/black cherry
cola meaty/gamey/licorice finish w/ ample tannins; almost
an essence of Syrah; not overripe nor over-the-top; huge
mouthfilling Syrah; amazing stuff. $47.50
- Ojai
Vineyard Calif Viognier Roll Ranch Ice Wine (7 brls; 10%)
2002: Light gold color; slight herbal very intense/grapey/juicy
very fragrant/perfumed somewhat orangey bit pencilly exotic
nose; tart very sweet grapey/juicy/orangey loads of stunning
fruit very sweet flavor; very long rich/sweet/oily intense
grapey/orangey finish that goes on and on; a killer dessert
wine at a verty attractive price. $22.50/hlf
- Qupe
Central Coast Syrah 1987: Med.color w/ light browning;
slight bretty/horsecollar/Southern Rhone bit smokey/roasted/toasty/charred/NorthernRhone
very complex perfumed nose; tart sweetish bit earthy/herbal
smooth/round/elegant slight bretty/Rhonish some roasted/toasty
quite complex flavor; long smooth/polished/balanced slight
bretty/horsecollar/funky/SouthernRhone bit roasted/ toasty/pungent
finish w/ light tannins; still holding very well & little
signs of drying out; a great example of a mature red that
has come together well.
- Havens
Carneros Syrah (13.8%)1995: Dark color; rather earthy
slight corked/musty/dishwater bit black cherry/Dr.Pepper/cola
slight bretty/funky nose; bit musty/corked earthy some bretty/
horsecollar slight black cherry slight tannic flavor; bit
too unclean and the corked character pretty much ruins this
wine. Larry's mystery.
more profundities from the BloodyPulpit:
EdStJohn LosRobles Viejos: I've had this wine any number
of times over the last year. All the ones I've had I've
liked a lot. This btl was somewhat "off" in the reduced/cabaggey
character it showed in the nose. Presumably, it's just a
phase or strange btl.
Rostaing LesLezardes: This is supposedly a wine (presumably
Syrah) grown just outside the CoteRotie AC boundaries. The
less-than-pedigree conditions is certainly reflected in
PetiteRousse: I recall tasting this wine as a barrel sample
at HdR in June and liking it. This wine from btl seemed
way over the top and too fumey & overripe to my tastes.
Tim's BunnySlope 2000 I also tasted then and liked quite
a lot; thought it the best ClosMimi I've yet had. Prices
on the Ojai/Carlisle/EdStJohn are direct/pre-release prices.
With shipping.
Stolpman Vineyard: The Syrahs (Estrella & Durell clones)from
this vnyd, early on, had a rather simple/ light/elegant
character. However the last ones, from Qupe, Jaffurs, and
Ojai have been much bigger and much more intense in fruit
than any I've had to date. They don't have the bass notes
and the spicy/peppery quality that comes from the Thompson
Vineyard; but they seem to have a purity of fruit that you
don't see in other vnyds. Clearly, the Stolpman Vineyard
is producing fruit every bit the equal of any Syrah vnyd
in SantaBarbara, I feel. I'm looking forward to seeing what
Sashi Moorman has done on his own w/ this fruit.
Peay Vineyards: This is the first wine I've had from Nick
& Andy Peay's SonomaCoast vnyd up near the town of Annapolis.
This is not an area of the Sonoma Coast that I've yet visited.
From the photos on their WebSite (www.PeayVineyards.com),
the area looks amazingly beautiful. I can hardly wait to
visit there. Here's another cold-climate Syrah vnyd that
one should keep your eyes on; it going to be, if not already,
producing world-class Syrah I think.
Bassetti Vineyard: Another cold-climate Syrah vnyd west
of Paso out towards Cambria. Grapes go to Mat Garretson,
Augie Hug, and Steve Edmunds. When Ellis Bassetti can get
his grapes ripened (not always a given way out there...
e.g. 2002), I've seen nothing but killer Syrah from them.
Already (now on the 3'rd crop I believe) a world-class Syrah
vnyd. Amazing.
Qupe Syrah: This was Blair's mystery wine. I found a lot
of SouthernRhone/Chateauneuf character in it but also a
lot NorthernRhone/roasted character. I was pretty convinced
from the brett/funky character it was Rhone, but couldn't
decide if South or North. Never would've guessed a Qupe.
Bob Lindquist's wines a very well-made & balanced and
generallu pretty drinkable from the git- go. Yet I never
cease to be amazed at how well the frequently age. This
wine probably had both Paso grapes (Estrella) and some of
the first of the Bien Nacido Syrah as well.
© 1996 - 2006, Tom Hill - All rights reserved
No original material may be reproduced without written consent
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- Grape-Nutz