Tom Hill
self-admitted wine geek, Tom lives in Northern New Mexico
and works as a computational physicist at Los Alamos National
Laboratory doing numerical neutron transport & large scale
code development. He has been tasting wines since 1971, participates
locally with a couple of large tasting groups in his area,
and is practically a fixture at most California wine festivals,
such as the Hospice du Rhône, Rhône Rangers, and
ZAP. Other interests: Tom is heavily into competitive sport
fencing (foil & epee), biking, cooking, basketball, skiing,
backpacking, mountain climbing.
"Short/Boring" - Some Miscellaneous Notes from July-December,
- Oyyyy.... these beady-eyed, silver-tongued, fast-talking,
glib, polyester-wearing, bad-hairpiece wine-marketing guys
got me exactly where they want me. My stash of EdmundsStJohn
arrived ysterday and I kept hearing these voices out in the
garage..."Try me"..."No, Try Me, she's a Voignier
slut"..."No, I'm Jolly, try me"... plus this
deep bass voice rumbling out..."It's me, Tom...Bassetti".
Oyyyy.. which to choose? So I went with:
- EdmundsStJohn
TablasCreekVnyd/PasoRobles Roussanne (14.5%; www.EdmundsStJohn.com)
2004: Med.light gold color; light floral/appley/apple
pie bit spicy/nutmeg strong/very minerally/chalky nose;
tart/lean/austere/severe very stoney/minerally apple pie/spicy/floral
hard/tight flavor; very long very minerally/stoney light
floral/Roussanne/apple pie finish; badly cries out for age.
And a wee BloodyPulpit:
1. This is a wine that is going to be hard for most people
to understand. A bit like a Loire w/o the fragrance, a bit
like a SouthernRhoneBlanc w/ its stony character, a bit
like a Chablis because of its pronounced minerality. This
wine is tighter than a drum and so badly is in need of age.
Though severe on the palate, it has a richness and texture
and is hardly what you'd call a green wine. It's a bit in
the Tablas Creek style of austerity, but a degree beyond
what they do. When I tasted this wine, I could see walking
thru that vnyd w/ Neil (??) on that hot/summer day w/ the
sun bouncing off that white/limestone soil. This is a wine,
I feel, is going to be pretty special down the road, maybe
even 10-15 yrs. Put it away & give it some time. Sometimes
you have to accept things on blind faith...God, ill-fitting
codpieces, an end to Iraq... I think I'll listen to BrotherSteve
on this one.

- Couldn't wait to break into the just-arrived DrewFamily
- DrewFamily
CabernetFranc HearthstoneVnyd/PasoRobles (13.7%) 2003:
Black color; intense spicy/black fruits/Cab/blackcurranty
rather toasty/Fr.oak dusty/minerally very unusual/interesting;
tart structured rich/blackcurranty/Cab rather tannic some
Fr.oak/toasty/smoky flavor; very long dusty/minerally intense
black fruits/Cab toasty/pungent/oak fairly tannic finish;
needs 2-8 yrs; one of the best Calif CabFrancs I've ever
had; very spicy & different from most; none of that
Paso/jammy character many of those Cabs show. Terrific Cab.
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. I've been following Jason&Molly Drew's wines from
the very start, mostly because of their Syrahs, but also
like their Pinots quite a lot. I bought this from their
latest offering (www.DrewWines.com) just to see what Jason
could do w/ a variety that I care little for. Paso Cab has
never excited me much.
I was very/very impressed w/ the wine. It has a minerality
& spicy/pepper character I've never seen in CabFranc,
w/ no herbaceous character at all. It reminded me a bit
of Loire CabFranc w/o the earthiness they oft show. For
Cab Franc fans, worth snagging a btl or two. Killer Cab.
2. Jason&Molly have recently bought land and moved to
the AndersonVlly/MendocinoCnty (he once made wines at Navarro).
I am very/very excited by that move and
very eagerly look forward to has working w/ some of the
great grapes grown in MendoCnty.

a dinner Sat night w/ friends:
- EdmundsStJohn
DurellVnyd/SonomaVlly Syrah (12 1/2%) 1990: Med.dark
color w/ little browning; beautiful/complex smokey/toasty/coffee
rather Rhonish some blackberry/Syrah nose; tart smokey/
pungent/roasted some meaty/gamey bit cedary light blackberry/Syrah
complex Rhonish flavor; long smooth complex light meaty/blackberry/Syrah
somewhat smokey/roasted/pungent finish w/ light tannins;
in great condition but probably a bit beyond its peak; beautiful/complex
mature Syrah w/ some Rhonish character.
- Alain
Graillot Crozes-Hermitage 1998: Very dark color; intense
green olive/roasted/espresso beautiful/complex classic NorthernRhone
nose; beautiful very tart complex green olive/roasted/ coffee/espresso
bit hard/lean flavor; very long tart/bit schreechy roasted/green
olive/espresso finish w/ some tannins; classic beautiful
NorthernRhone; bit schreechy on the palate but beautiful
aromatics and should go another 5-10 yrs.
- OjaiVnyd
BienNacidoVnyd/SBCnty Syrah (13%) 1995: Dark color w/
no browning; very strong toasty/cedary/oak smokey dusty/blackberry/Syrah
bit complex nose; smooth/tart rather dusty charred oak/cedary/pungent
slight blackberry/Syrah flavor; bit hard/dried out/tannic
pungent/charred/smokey slight blackberry/Syrah finish; lost
a lot of fruit and a bit hard on the palate; maybe beyond
its peak now.
- Qupe
BienNacidoVnyd/SBCnty Syrah (12.5%) 1994: Med.color
w/ little browning; strong smokey/ pungent/oak/toasty peppery/spicy
dustyblackberry/Syrah some complex/aromatic nose; slight
peppery/ green olive toasty/smokey/oak dusty/blackberry/Syrah
bit lean/hard/tart flavor; long smokey/pungent some green
olive/blackberry Syrah finish w/ light tannins; seems a
bit beyond its peak but very good drinking.
- MarkWest
RussianRiverVlly GWT LateHrvst (11.5%; SaH: 26.8; RS: 7.0%;
botrytis affected) 1991: Med.dark golden color w. some
browning; strong peachy/botrytis/apricotty very orangey/orange
rind complex nose; quite sweet intense/apricotty/peachy/botrytis
orangey/spicy soft/fat flavor; very long soft very sweet
intense peachy/botrytis/canned peaches/apricotty finish;
still going strong and will go another 10 yrs.
Wee BP:
1. The EdmundsStJohn was a terrific wine. Some Rhonish but
not one you'd mistake for a NorthernRhone. I was expecting
more from the Ojai and Qupe, but they seemed rather hard
& austere on the palate, the Qupe a bit more attractive.
The AlainGraillot....it's NorthernRhone... as good as Syrah

- Tried this new wine for Adam last Friday:
- Novy
VanDerKampVnyd/SonomaMtn PinotMeunier (14.8%) 2004:
Very dark/near black color; intense black cherry/earthy/boysenberry/Pinot
some toasty/oak rather aromatic nose; tart earthy/black
cherry/boysenberry/Pinot/black cherry cola slight toasty/oak
flavor; long black cherry/colaPinot some toasty/smokey/oak
finish w/ some tannins; a very rich/tasty red w/ some Pinot
character w/ earthy overtones; not the high-toned Pinot
character of the PinotNoirs; great value at $20.
1. Price is pre-release plus shipping. An interesting new
wine from Adam that I liked quite a lot. Tiny production.
Had very distinct Siduri style but more earthiness and less
finesse than Adam's usual Pinots.

- Tried this last night:
- Eberle
PasoRobles Zin (14.8%) 1989: Very dark color w/ slight
browning; some pungent/ gunpowder/ used fireworks cedary/pencilly
some licorice/jammy/blackberry complex/perfumed nose; soft
bit dried out/astringent cedary/pencilly/licorice/pungent
slight blackberry/jammy/Zin/peppery flavor; very long bit
astringent/dried out very cedary/pencilly licorice/pungent
finish; lost most of its fruit but still a pleasure to drink
as it starts to slip over the edge from being an aristocatic/courtly
old gentleman into being a bawdy/lecherous old fart wearing
one of those stupid T-Shirts.
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. This is one of Gary's early Zins and came from the Belli-Sauret
Vnyd. This, I recall, was a Zin which was highly praised
by one wine writer for its lower level of alcohol as 15%-17%
Zins were becomming the norm. In fact, its alcohol level
was nearly 16%. The wine carries its alcohol well and shows
no hot nor fumey character nor over-ripeness. I was surprised
at how delish it still was.

- Tried last night at dinner w/ a friend:
- EdmundsStJohn
LosRoblesViejos PasoRobles WW RozetVnyd (13.3%; Viognier+Marsanne/Roussanne)
2003: Light gold color; light pear/Viognier/fragrant
quite minerally/chalky nose; tart/lean/nervy light pear/apple/Viognier
chalky/minerally lean/tight flavor; lots of minerally/chalky
character; needs 2-6 yrs of age; great food wine.
- FirestoneVnyd
SantaYnezVlly Syrah (13.5%) 2002: Very dark color; strong
boysenberry/Syrah light toasty/oak rather Oz-like nose;
tart/angular boysenberry/blackberry/Syrah some toasty/vanilla
flavor; med. boysenberry/Syrah finish; a bit tight/hard/lean
w/ lots of Oz-Shiraz character; would like a bit more lush/ripe
fruit; good value at $16.00
- EdmundsStJohn
Calif Syrah (14%) 2001: Dark color; lovely pencilly/cedary/complex
bit Rhonish/smoky some dusty/blackberry/earthy/Syrah very
interesting nose; tart pencilly/dusty/earthy rich/blackberry/Syrah
slight Rhonish flavor; long pencilly/cedary/smokey bit tannic
blackberry/dusty/Syrah finish; really good drinking and
will go another 2-5 yrs at least; dishonest to by a wine
this good at $18.
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. EdStJ Whites: Steve tends to make his whites on a leaner
style than many other Calif Rhone producers. This LRV is
just one such. Not very flashy or flamboyant as Calif Viognier
goes, but just really good drinking. It reminded me some
of a Loire white; a great food wine. We had gone thru the
whole friggin' btl afore we realized it was all gone. It'll
win no big Arpy scores, but exactly the kind of wine you
want to drink another glass of.

- Tried this the other night:
- Elyse
L'Ingenue Calif WW (15.4%; 4 Rhone varieties; Naggiar &
Noble Vnyds) 2003: Med.light gold color, light pencilly/oak
perfumed/fragrant/aromatic peachy/Viognier nose; very soft/fat
floral/peachy/Viognier light pencilly/oak attractive flavor;
med.long aromativ/peachy/pear/Viognier rather soft finish;
very attractive aromatics but lacks structure/acidity and
soft/fat and a bit hot on the palate. $27.00
Bloody Pulpit:
1. Ray Coursen's first venture into white Rhone varietals.
Seems to be dominated by the Viognier component. The Naiggar
Vnyd (www.NaiggarVineyard.com) is located in the "Sierra
foothills" betwixt Auburn and GrassVlly. The NobleVnyd
is located over in Knight'sVlly. Like the aromatics of the
wine but it's a bit porky on the palate.

- Tried this last night blind. Due to the ubitiquous presence
of Uruguain Dessert Tannats in the US market, I thought
everyone would identify it. But...nope:
- Alcyone
Atlantida/Uruguay Tannat Dessert Wine (16%) Vinedo de las
Vientos NV: Very black color; weird/intense vanilla
extract/toasted coconut/chocolaty very alcoholic grapey
nose; very sweet bizarre/vanilla/extract/chocolaty hot/fumey
very grapey flavor; very long bizarre/vanilla extract/chocolaty
finish. $24/500ml
The BloodyPulpit:
1. Definitely one of the most bizarre wines I've tasted.
Almost like drinking chocolate-flavored vanilla extract.
However... perusual of their WebSite (www.vinedodelosvientos.com/other.htm)
indicates that:
Alcyone is made with Tannat wine sweeted with cane sugar
and boiled with aromatic herbs. Then it is fortified with
grappa to reach 16 % of alcohol by volume.
So.... if the wine is viewed in the context of Italian Barolo
Chinato... it's not so bad. Maybe an ideal match for a Molten
Chocolate Cake, perhaps.
Recommended only for the adventurous or the fool-hardy.

- SierraVista
SierraSyrah ElDorado (EB; 12.8%) 1982: Very dark color;
earthy/mushroomy minerally/smokey/pencilly/pungent complex
bit Rhonish/Cornas amazing nose;
smooth/velvety beautiful/complex mushroomy/earthy minerally/smokey/coffee/pungent
blackberry/Syrah flavor; beautiful/aromatic minerally/coffee/pungent
light blackberry/Syrah
dusty/earthy/mushroomy finish w/ light/smooth/velvety tannins;
an amazingly/complex fully
mature Syrah that should last another 5 yrs or more; in
wonderful shape & no signs of fading;
lots of ElDorado terroir; a steal at $8.00, I'm gonna buy
me some more of this!!
Trippin' down MemoryLane in the BloodyPulpit:
1. The year 1982 was a watershed year for Calif Syrah. The
best Syrah up to then was Gary
Eberle's EstrellaRiver '77-'79's; pretty strawberry/bright
Syrahs but nothing profound.
In 1982 were the FIRST Syrahs made in Calif that showed
what Syrah was really capable of
there. They were the RandallGraham/BonnyDoon, BobLindquist/Qupe,
AdamTolmach/Ojai; all made
from EstrellaRiver/purchased grapes. And then the forgotten
Of the foursome, the BonnyDoon was my favorite, closely
followed by the Qupe; both
showing a rich blackberry/Syrah fruit not too unlike a middling
Hermitage, w/ a bit of
smokey oak. The Ojai was pretty interesting, rather big
& rich, but a bit too much toasty/
Burgundian oak that obscured the fruit. The poor SierraVista
was a distant 4'th. Lots of
that mushroomy/earthy ElDorado terroir and only a glimpse
of blackberry/Syrah fruit, w/
a restrained degree of smokey oak.
I had my last '82 Qupe (the BonnyDoon and Ojai long gone)
in 2003 at the HdR Winemaker's
Luncheon w/ BobLindquist. Magnificently complex & aromatic
w/ a lovely roasted/coffee/
smokey/toasty character in the nose; but a bit dried out/astringent
on the palate and
slipping into geezerhood, unlike some of us. The wine was
not too unlike a faded Rhone
in character.
This was my last '82 Syrah (I think/never sure) and wanted
to try it as a data point
afore my AmericanWineSociety presentation in a few weeks.
Because it was not my favorite
of the '82's; I fully expected this wine to be DOA. The
rest in my tasting group were
giving me the usual raft for pouring such decrepit wine.
But then I started hearing
ohhhh's left in my wake as I poured. When I poured my glass,
I was first struck struck
by its color. Very dark w/ not the least bit of browning.
And then the nose... still that
earthy/mushroomy distinctive ElDorado terroir. But there
was much more blackberry/Syrah
fruit than I ever recalled, still very/very much alive w/
no traces of oxidation, and
an amazing complexity; one of the best mature Calif red
noses I've had. It reminded me
more of an old Clape Cornas than anything else I can recall.
Such old wines often have terrific noses, but don't deliver
on the palate; are often
dried out & astringent. Such was not at all the case
with this'n. It was still fairly
rich and quite smooth/velvety on the palate. Sort of like
a 62 yr old epee fencer... not
dramatically powerful and swift...but still got a lot of
polish and smoothness and can
still deliver the goods and maybe at its peak.
John & Barbara MacCready first planted their Syrah (and
Cab) in 1979 up in ElDorado
County out on Cabernet Way (wrong choice there, John!!).
This was their first vintage of
Syrah as I recall. John was right there in the Rhone movement
from the very start, with
Lindquist, Tolmach, and Randall. Probably because they're
not much of a self-promoter, like
two of the other three, John & Barbara have not gotten
the recognition I feel they truly
deserve for their contributions to the Calif/Rhone movement.
So why was this '82 SierraVista such a killer wine?? My
guess would be the acidity.
The other three were made from ripe EastSide (NOT raising
any quality issues of EastSide vs.
WestSide) PasoRobles grapes, not noted for their high acidity.
Going back to my first tasting
note on this wine, I got, in addition to the lack of lush
Syrah fruit, a distinctly sharp/
tart note in the wine. I suspect that acidity was what gave
this '82 SV its longevity.
I've sorta followed the SierraVista wines (particularly
the Zin and the Syrahs) from
the very start. Under daughter Michelle and her husband
Vincent, I've noted a distinct
upturn in the SierraVista wines (not that John & Barbara
are being turned out to pasture;
they still remain very active & involved, in an avuncular
sort of way I suspect) over the
last 2-3 yrs. The Syrahs sometimes have almost a schreechy
acidity to them. They will,
I suspect, be still very much alive at 23 yrs of age as
well. And...they still maintain
a modest degree of alcohol (don't recall any SV wines over
15%, but there may be a few);
rare in this day & age of California wines. And....
still modestly priced.
It would be very interesting to sit down sometime and taste
thru all four of these
'82 Syrahs together. Alas, I have no more, so they'd have
to come from the libraries.
I suspect we'd find this SierraVista '82 the only one that
made it over the long haul.
At the 2004 HdR, Michelle & Vincent were pouring the
'85 Syrah at the Library tasting.
My recollection of that wine was similar to the '82, mushroomy/earthy
but very complex;
but not the youthfulness of this '82.
So kudos to John & Barbara on the '82 Syrah. Maybe not
great Cote-Rotie or Hermitage,
but amazingly good mature Calif Syrah with a complexity
few will ever achieve.
2. ElDoradoCounty: Like MendocinoCounty, this is an area
that doesn't get the recognition
the quality of the grapes/wines deserve. It is usually lumped
in as SierraFoothills;
the character of which most people associate with ShenandoahVlly/AmadorCounty.
But it
is far more distinctive than just SierraFoothills. The ElDorado
wines usually show a
brighter acidity than many in Calif. And they often have
a dusty/earthy/mushroomy
terroir-driven character that reminds me some of the Rhone
or Languedoc. The wines
coming from the area have been making amazing progress over
the last few yrs. The
Syrahs/PinotGrigio/Gamay of Steve Edmunds are as good as
any in Calif, better than most.
The Rhones of Holly'sHill and Cedarville and Narrow Gate
are all first rate. And, of
course, SierraVista. And there's a whole raft of just good
drinking/interesting wines.
And keep your eye out for the Dolcetto & Nebbiolo grown
by Ken Musso at Cinnamon Hill.
They've come a long way from those dreadful vegetable wines
that were made up there
in the late '70's (what WAS the name of that winery??).

- Mark Vernon brought this unreleased wine to the SantaFe
Wine&Chile Fiesta for us to try:
- Ridge
Calif LyttonWest/DryCreekVlly Syrah (9% Viognier; 14.8%;
Drk: 3/05-3/15) 2003: Very dark color; slight smokey/toasty/Am.oak
strong spicy/blackberry/Syrah slight meaty/gamey nose; big/intense
tart blackberry/Syrah/dusty slight meaty some toasty/pungent/oak
fairly tannic flavor; long rather tannic strong blackberry/Syrah/spicy/dusty
some toasty/pungent/oak finish; needs 5 urs of age or more;
very attractive DCV Syrah. $35.00 (futures)
And a wee bloody pulpit:
1. My tasting group bought a case of this recently on the
futures offering from the Ridge WebSite (www.RidgeWines.com),
so I was curious to try it and requested Mark to bring a
btl to SanteFe. This will be the first national release
(non-ATP) Syrah for Ridge, now that they have more Syrah
being produced at Lytton West.
In the past, I thought the Ridge Syrahs were not particularly
expressive of Syrah, and spoke more of Ridge winemaking
(the Draper perfume of Geo) than Syrah. I liked them as
Ridge red wine, but not as much as Syrah. A bit more like
spicy Zin/Geyserville than Syrah.
This unreleased Syrah is clearly a different beast. It is
much more reflective of Syrah than any of the Ridge's yet.
And it has that typical spiciness that you find in DryCreekVlly
reds, particularly Zin. Probably the best Ridge Syrah yet
made and one of the better DryCreekVlly Syrahs I've had.
Liked it quite a bit.

- After cracking three '95 Zin that were shakey, decided
to switch varieties:
- Navarro
Mendocino Syrah (13.7%) 1995: Black color; rather dusty/earthy/minerally
some blackberry/Syrah pungent/toasty/oak/meaty slight coffee/espresso
complex nose; tart earthy/dusty/minerally/tomatoey strong
licorice/blackberry/Syrah light toasty/pungent fairly complex
flavor; very long dusty/pungent rather blackberry/Syrah/licorice
bit rough slight tannic finish; will go another 5 yrs or
more; tarrific/mature Syrah and a steal at $14 back then.
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. Navarro is well-known for the quality of their whites,
particularly the JR and GWT, whether dry or botrytis-infected.
Less well-known are the Navarro reds, other than the Pinots.
They can sometimes be a bit hit or miss, but every so often
they'll hit one outta the park. This was exactly one such.
I bought this thru a friend (Howard Sherry) who orders frequently
thru their wine club. I ordered it because it was the first
Navarro venture into the Syrah waters, as I recall. Made
from purchased grapes down in the RedwoodVlly. When I first
tried this wine, I thought it a nice Syrah, but just that.
Thus I opened it with low expectations, just a throw-away
wine with my fentuntta and tomato/basil soup w/ fricco crouton.
I was totally amazed has to how much this Syrah had improved.
One of the best Syrahs (beyond Casey's
and one or two McDowell's) I've had from Mendocino Cnty.
Alas, Navarro doesn't make Syrah very often, depending on
the availability of grapes. Whatta shame... if they can
make a Syrah this good. Kudos to Navarro and MendocinoCnty
on this 'un.

- Tried last night w/ my tomato:
- TablasCreekVnyd
TablasBlanc PasoRobles WhiteWine (EB; 13.5%; Roussanne/Viognier/
Marsanne) 1998: Med.yellow/gold color; very fragrant/perfumed
Viognier/peach/floral/Roussanne spicy/nutmeg strong earthy
slight smokey fairly complex nose; tart/lush floral/pineapply/peach/Viognier
lemony earthy/stoney/minerally slight smokey/pungent rather
SouthernRhone flavor; very long spicy/stoney/earthy/minerally
rather floral/honeysuckle/peachy finish; beautiful/complec
blanc that will go another 10 yrs.
A wee BP:
1. I've followed the TablasCreek wines from the very start.
The first ones were rather unthrilling, lean/austere/not
a lot of fruit. The last few yrs, they've really been upping
the bar for blended Calif/Rhones.
This wine, at release, was underwhelming. Not much fruit
and a hard/earthy/minerally character. But it reminded me
of young Qupe Marsanne and suggested that it might, just
might, evolve into something. Well... this is one gamble
that paid off. At 7 yrs of age, it has blossomed into a
wonderful/perfumed/fragrant white. No reason that it might
not go another 10 yrs is my guess.
2. Many white wines are alleged not to age and should be
drunk up young. But when they have a good acidity and an
underlying minerally character, like many of these Rhone
blancs have; it can be amazing what they can evolve into.
Want a white that's a sure thing to age 10 yrs and beyond???
These Calif/Rhone blancs are a good bet. The EdStJohn whites
from Paso are some I'm betting on.

- Tried these two wines Sunday night w/ a special friend:
- EdmundsStJohn
Viognier Paso Robles/RozetVnyd (13.9%; www.edmundsStJohn.com)
2003: Med.gold color; light pear/Viognier some earthy
rather minerally/chalky rather perfumed/ethereal nose; tart/lean/spicy
quite minerally ripe pear/peach/Viognier slight earthy/chalky
flavor; med.long minerally/chalky spicy/pear/Viognier finish;
lovely/lean Viognier that needs some age. $26.00
- EdmundsStJohn
Knight'sVlly Viognier (13.7%) 1993: Med.light gold color;
beautiful/incredible spicy/minerally ripe pear/Viognier
rather pungent/smokey/smoked hot dog very complex/Rhonish
stunning nose; soft/lush very minerally lush/pear/Viognier
quite smoky/pungent/smoked hot dog beautiful/spicy flavor;
very long/lingering very lush/pear/Viognier bery pungent/smokey
quite Rhonish finish that goes on and on. $15.50
And a wee Bloody Pulpit:
1. We are told by certain Monktown attourneys that Viogniers
cannot age and to drink them young. Whatta crock. This '93
of Steve's shoulda been totally shot at 12 yrs of age. It
was probably one of the two best old Viogniers I've ever
had. The other one being one of Steve's (I brought) at his
Oliveto anniversary dinner a few yrs ago, about the same
age, maybe even the same wine. This one was still distinctly
pear/Viognier but had this beautiful smokey character like
ball park hot dogs. Very complex and very Rhonish, though
not sure exactly which Rhone region. An amazing wine.
The 2003 Rozet is probably going to do just as well. Steve
is a big believer in Rozet and it has a leanness to it that
makes me think it will age equally well. Dolly Parton it

- Tried these two over the last few days:
- DeLoachVnyds
SonomaCnty RussianRiverVlly Chard (13.8%) 1984: Very
deep gold color; rather nutty/oxidized complex very pencilly/toasty/oak
slight melony/pineapply nose; soft/lush slight pineapply/melony
rather pencilly/toasty/oak some complex/spicy/nutmeg flavor
w/ little oxidation; long sloght oxidizeed/nutty lush light/pineapply
rather toasty/pencilly/oak finish; still a rather interesting
old Chard.
- JosephSwanVnyds
Sonoma Chard (EB, TW) 1980: Med.dark gold/brown rather
murky/cloudy color; beautiful/complex toasty/pencilly rotted
apples/spicy intense old Chard nose; very tart intense tobaccoy/pencilly/toasty
earthy/mushroomy nutmeg/spicy very complex flavor; very
long/lingering complex pencilly/toasty nutmeg/spicy finish
that goes on and on; a lovely/complex/old Chard that's still
a pleasure to drink.
BP: When I opened the Swan and poured it, the wine came
out only in a dribble. Closer inspection revealed that,
after removal of the cork, there was this disk of tartrate
crystals that nearly closed off the bottle.

- Trying to reduce my Chard holdings, so cracked these two
little old ladies to go with my Roasted Cauliflower/Pimenton/Pumpkin
Oil Soup last night:
- ZD
Calif Chard (13.5%) GinoZepponi/Norman de Leuze/Napa 1981:
Deep gold some browning color; bit nutty/toasted hazelnuts/oxidized
complex/oatmeal/toasty/creme brulee slight celery/toasted
celery seed nose; soft complex/smoky/toasted hazelnuts/celery
seed slight oxidized flavor; long toasted hazelnuts/celery
seed slight oxidized complex finish; mighty tasty. $11.15
- ChalkHillWnry
SonomaCnty Chard FF/Proprietor'sReserve (13.5%) 1984:
Med.dark gold color w/ no browning; rather fresh melony/celery/celery
seed light toasty/oak spicy/nutmeg complex nose; soft melony/celery
slight hazelnutty/toasty bit melony/appley rather youngish/fresh
flavor w/ very little oxidation; med.long some complex fairly
fresh/lush celery/melony complex finish; in wonderful shape.
Ye wee BloodyPulpit:
1. These were sorta throwaway wines that I had very low
expectations for. Surprise... they were in remarkably good
condition. So good, in fact, that I hot-footed it up the
street to James' house for them to try. Both were a genuine
delight to drink and much more interesting than many young
Chards I try. But then when it comes to wine, like people,
I'm pretty tolerable of eccentricities and not insisting
that they taste like they "should" taste. I've
had some from the early-mid '80's that were totally shot
& I couldn't drink them. These two were not like that.
The ChalkHill was from FredFurth's estate vnyd I am presuming.
The Calif appelation on the ZD makes me suspect that it
was a blend of Gino's vnyd in the Vineburg area and perhaps
some Tepesquet grapes.
The '87 DeLoach on tap tonight.

- Tried this last night w/ my heirloom tomatos:
- Niebaum-Coppola
Blancaneaux Rutherford/NapaVlly (43% Marsanne, 30% Chard,
16% Roussanne, 11% Viognier; 1423 cs; 14.7%; www.Niebaum-Coppola.com)
2002: Med.gold color; very strong toasty/oak very Chard-like
some appley/Marsanne/fruit slight minerally/Mosel valve
oil nose; tart slight minerally/Marsanne/appley quite smokey/toasty/Fr.oak
flavor; long tart light minerally/appley/Marsanne/pear rather
toasty/oak finish; needs a few yrs; pretty slammed by the
oak but a bit of interesting fruit peeking thru; quite overpriced
at $32.00
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. This white Rhone blend is advertised as the premium counterpart
to there "great" red Cabernet blend Rubicon. Barrel
frmtd and aged 12 month in new Fr. oak. And it shows. At
this point, the oak pretty much obliterates any fruit in
there. More like Caymus Conundrum than any Calif Rhone blend
I've had. It may age into something pretty good, but I'm
not likely to try and find out.

- Had this w/ dinner last night:
- MarcoReal
Garnache DOC/Navarra (14.05) 2003:
Black color; very strong nose of classic strawberry/Grenache
slight earthy/dusty maybe slight oak nose; soft very lush/ripe
grapey/strawberry/Grenache loads of fruit slight dusty flavor;
long intense/grapey/strawberry/Grenache finish w/ light
tannins. $11.00
Wee BloodyPulpit:
1. This is a new EricSolomon wine. Gobs of hedonistic fruit...errrrr...
loads of clean Grenache fruit, very new world style. Terrific

- Tried last night:
- Wolfgang
Hebar GrunerVeltliner Auslese 2000: Pale golden color;
lovely floral GV rather steely/metallic/minerally slight
chalky/flinty nose; tart/lean rather minerally/steely/flinty
somewhat rich rather floral/melony/GV beautiful flavors;
very long steely/minerally tart/lean/acid yet rich quite
floral/GV finish; as fine as any commercial GV I've had,
reminds me a lot of the higher-end Nigl GVs; should last
another 10 yrs or more. $nc
And a wee BloodyPulpit:
1. This was a btl brought back directly from Vienna by a
special friend who was visiting friends there recently.
The label was hand written and supposedly made from his
own grapes. So presume it is NOT a commercial wine. But
it sure was as good as any of the commercial GVs I've ever
had. I'm trying to find out more about the wine now.

- Picked up last week two Suisse wines that I shared last
- Domaine
de Chauvigny AC Bevaix (11%; www.montmollinwine.ch) Domaine
E. de Montmollin Fils/Auvernier/Suisse 2002: Pale, near
colorless; slight floral/fragrant some earthy/minerally/chalky
clean nose; tart/lean minerally/chalky slight grapefruity/floral
flavor; med. clean/chalky/minerally slight floral finish;
lean/crisp pleasant food wine. $14.00 (CB)
- Vincenzo
Vela Rosso del Ticino/Ligornetto (12.5%) Gianfranco Chiesa/Rouso/Ticino/Suisse
1999: Dark color; rather earthy/dusty some mushroomy
slight grapey/floral interesting nose; hard/bit tannicx
quite earthy/dusty light grapey fairly tart flavor; med.long
dusty/earthy slight grapey no oak rather tannic/hard/lean
finish; not a lot of fruit here and rather earthy; good
rustic food red. $18.00 (CB)
Une petite BloodyPulpit:
1. Like many of the wines I buy at Darrell Corti's, I had
no idea what these were. The Chauvigny comes from the Neuchatel
region of Switzerland and is made entirely from Chasselas
grape. The Ticino I couldn't identify for sure, but is probably/mostly
Merlot. It reminded me much of Fruili Refosco, some of AltoAdige
My past experience w/ Suisse wines had not been very positive;
thin/mean a greatly overpriced wines. These two were actually
rather attractive and most reasonably priced.
All that was lacking was Julie Andrews' lilting trills in
the background.

- Tried this last night from my new stash:
- DavidCoffaro
DryCreekVlly Zin (Estate; 100% Zin; 15.1%) 2003: Med.dark
color; lovely classic DCV/spicy/Zinberry/raspberry/blackberry/Zin
little oak bright/vibrant nose; med.tart bright/spicy/Zinberry/raspberry/Zin
light dusty/earthy flavor; long bright/vibrant/spicy/zesty/Zinberry/blackberry
finish w/ light tannins; ready to drink but should last
several yrs; the epitome of DryCreek Zin; delicious stuff
and carries the alcohol well. $14.00 (futures)
A wee bloody pulpit:
1. Yoikes....this is the kinda stuff that drew me to Zin
many/many yrs ago. I've been away from Dave's wines too
long. This seems a bit deeper & darker than those of
the last few yrs. Just brimming w/ classic DCV Zinberry
fruit. This is what drinking Zin is all about.
© 1996 - 2006, Tom Hill - All rights reserved
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- Grape-Nutz